1. When sitting in the turn lane at stoplights, I wait for the moment my turn signal synchs up with the person’s in front of me. (And then the person’s behind me.)
2. My daughter, Sadie, once told me, “Daddy, I can’t fly.” I assured her that she can.
3. I once pickled a watermelon rind. It’s good on hot dogs.
4. I enjoy the sensation of being confused. This is why I’m so fond of art films.
5. I prefer building over tearing down – which is easier.
6. In the spirit of good parenting, we’ve taught our kids to refer to their genitals with the appropriate anatomical names – penis & vagina. This backfired one night while having dinner with my In-Laws. Everyone was enjoying their lasagna, when my daughter exclaims, in crystal-clear clarity, “Mom, this is really good vagina!”
7. I sometimes want to be Michel Gondry or Howard Luck Gossage.
8. I make mistakes on purpose.
9. I prefer colors that can’t easily be named. Or colors with awesome names like ‘periwinkle.’
10. A low overhead is important to stay creative.
11. I love human intelligence.
12. I periodically try to connect with a stranger’s bluetooth or airdrop.
13. Kitsch beats minimalism.
14. I like seeing the process of how something was made in the final product.
15. Odd numbers duke it out more than even numbers.
16. Money isn’t a reason to do anything.
17. Every sunset is a sunrise.
18. My son Beck recently told me that he’d like to grow his hair long like a rock star. I told him that if he wants to be a rock star, he needs to learn to play the guitar. His response: “Daaaad. I don’t want to be a rock star. I just want to look like one.” Duh. He has since asked me to teach him to play the guitar.
19. All living things are valuable.
20. I like dogs better than cats.
21. The voices inside of you should always be louder than the voices on the outside.
22. I like things that have a history.
23. I sometimes take pleasure in being sad, but I’m mostly happy.
24. You can learn a lot about how to live your life by watching SpongeBob SquarePants.
25. I always act on meaningful coincidences.
26. I’m amazed by the will to survive.
27. After his twin brother, Beck, broke his arm, my son Blue, obviously intrigued by the cast, decided that he wanted one as well – on his penis. Fortunately, or possibly unfortunately, he was only two.
28. Always let the sunshine in.
29. I think plants have feelings.
30. I like to leave things better than I found them.
31. Walk beats talk.
32. I still ask, “Why?”